Time & Location
Apr 15, 2020, 2:00 PM
About the Event
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, in cooperation with the British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, CCI France-Philippines, the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, and La Camara, would like to invite you to the following Webinar titled "Opportunities in time of COVID-19"
Through this webinar, attendees may expect insights on the Philippine economy, current and projected market trends, as well as implications for investments.
Please click here to register. Registration fee: Members: Free Non-members: PHP 500.00
About the Speaker:
Jonathan Ravelas has been educating investors in trading strategies & corporate governance, having worked in financial markets for more than 20 years. He has delivered numerous lectures in the field of forecasting, investments and corporate governance here and abroad and regularly provides economic commentaries in the Asian Wall Street Journal and is a regular commentator on economic and financial markets on ANC, Bloomberg, and CNN Philippines. Recently, FocusEconomics ranked him as the #1 Forex Forecaster for the Philippines for 2018. In 2016, FocusEconomics ranked him as the #1 Current Account forecaster for the Philippines for 2015. He is also a lecturer of Ateneo BAP’s treasury certification program.